- We support protecting the first amendment guaranteeing free speech, freedom of the press, the right to petition and peacefully protest the government, and the right to exercise your chosen religion. We support the separation of church and state. The exercise of your religion must not infringe on another person’s rights. We support a free and open internet.
- We support automatic voter registration and securing voting rights for all Americans. We believe in the concept of one person/one vote. We demand transparency, equal participation, and adherence to the principles of democracy in government and political party elections.
- We support overturning the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court ruling and fixing our corrupt campaign finance system. We support ending the congress-to-lobbyist revolving door which exploits the law for personal and corporate benefit.
- We believe working forty hours per week should provide a living wage for all Americans. We support a $15 per hour minimum wage. We also proudly support workers’ rights to organize.
- We support policies that reduce income inequality, including progressive taxation, lifting the cap on social security to ensure its viability for future generations, and taxing capital gains the same as earned income from work. We must also end the culture of corporate welfare.
- Health care is a human right and should cover everyone. Coverage must include prescriptions, mental health care, vision care, dental care and any additional medical care necessary for the overall physical well being of the patient. Corporate profits should not come at the expense of people’s lives.
- We support access to adequate, affordable public education from early childhood through college.
- We support the fight against climate change. We oppose fracking and support renewable energy. We support strong environmental regulations. We support protecting public land, national parks, and wildlife. Private corporations rather than government should be financially responsible for cleaning up any environmental damage they cause.
- We believe police departments should reflect the diversity of the community that they serve. We support the demilitarization of local law enforcement. We support ending private prisons and the culture of mass incarceration. We support ending the failed war on drugs and offering treatment for drug addiction instead of incarceration.
- Everyone deserves equal opportunity and freedom from discrimination regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, or faith. Everyone deserves equal opportunity to housing, employment, income, public facilities, and access to any place or business generally open to the public.
- We support a sensible path to citizenship for non-violent, undocumented immigrants and their families. We support the DREAM act. Employers should be held accountable for exploitation of guest workers and pay a living wage.
- War should be a last resort. We oppose the perpetuation of the military industrial complex in order to support the policies of and to the profit of large corporations. We need to expand our care for our returning veterans who risk their lives for this country.
- We support sensible gun control measures including universal background checks.
- We support sexual education in our public schools and easy access to contraception.
- We support every woman’s right to choose and decide what is best for her body and her family without interference by the government or her employer. We support safe and affordable access to abortion services.
- We support breaking up banks deemed “too big to fail” in order to prevent economic collapse and taxpayer bailouts.
- Industrial agribusiness should not receive government subsidies, monopolies, and patents at the expense of family farms. We support sustainable food production and animal welfare standards.
- We support investing in our infrastructure, technology, and science for the benefit of society.
- We support candidates who are true public servants, stand up for their principles, and speak up for the powerless. We oppose candidates who seek public office to obtain power and money for themselves or their corporate donors.