Welcome to the Progressives of Kane County.
We endeavor to represent progressive values throughout Kane County and to use these to drive legislative and electoral successes.
Check our facebook page for updates on our meetings and event.
Upcoming Events
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News and Actions
Canvass for 8th Congressional Candidate Junaid Ahmed!
Join us Sunday May 1st at Junaid’s office in Elgin to get supplies before knocking on doors! Junaid is running against an establishment owned incumbent on issues that matter to…
Clean Energy Action on Friday August 27, 2021
Thanks to everyone who came out to support our action at State Senator Mike Hastings District office in Frankfort, IL on Friday, Aug. 27th.
Urgent Climate Action! The ILGA is Getting Ready to Vote! | Friday, Aug. 27, 2021
On Friday, August 27th @ 3:00 PM we are delivering a letter to State Senator Michael Hastings urging him to pass a strong climate bill without the $700M nuclear bailout….
Pay Your Dues
Write For Us
How can I get started?
Please join us for our monthly meetings! They are at 7 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Anyone interested in promoting progressive ideals is welcome.
What is the role of a member?
As a member, you can vote on issues, endorsements, and board member elections. Membership dues are $27 per year.
What else will I do?
It takes grass roots action to realize progressive change. You will have the opportunity to join rallies and marches, canvass and phone bank for candidates, and write letters and sign petitions in regards to policy. Want to do more? Join a committee! Our committee members research candidates and policy, manage our communications network, and develop strategy regarding issues and elections.
How do I learn about politics in Kane County?
The Kane County Government Guide provides an overview of the history of Kane County, scheduled elections, and current elected officials (please note, it was last updated in 2015). http://kanecountyclerk.org/GovtGuide/GovernmentGuide.pdf
How do I register to vote?
In order to vote in Kane County, you must be a U.S. Citizen, be 18 years of age, and be a resident for 30 days prior to the election. Specific instructions are available on the Kane County Elections site. Several of the members of the Progressives of Kane County are deputy voter registrars. http://www.kanecountyelections.org/VoterRegistration/registration.aspx
Looking Forward
Please keep checking back here for important news as we retool our organization for the future.
For now, please check out our facebook group to keep up to date on the Progressive movement in Kane County, Illinois.
Meetings are usually the second Thursday of the month. Our July meeting is on Tuesday, July 11th at 7 pm in Elgin Township Government Building and our August meeting will be at Two Brothers Roundhouse in Aurora.